Transitions...with life and while painting

DW @ CA Coastline.jpg

“Transitions”…the very word can strike both fear and excitement.  A transition implies changing from one state (of mind?  of safety? of comfort zone?) to another.  Depending on your standpoint, this is an exciting adventure leading to eye-popping adventures or something one grudging goes along with.  Or resists.  Or fears.

Personally, I am on the brink of a life-changing transition and it seems many of my friends and co-workers are as well.  I recognize several tendencies…those who seemingly embrace ongoing and future transitions with exuberance and those who are terrified, but keep moving forward.  And those who flip flop back and forth between the two (that would be me).

Beginning Saturday, November 2, 2019...I will begin pursuing a career as a full-time artist and focusing on sharing my artwork with others along with providing workshops with the hopes of encouraging others to also discover their creativity!  My response?  It’s scary.  Terrifying even.  And also exciting and thrilling. I see the potential for personal growth as a result of choosing to be vulnerable and moving forward with my dreams.

For the past several years, I’ve worked to provide for myself and my kids. My “kid’s are now of the age when they are either successfully “adulting” or very close to this stage.  Which opens up the door to possibilities for myself. 

With this transition comes many changes.  Loss of steady income for one. Loss of status within my current career as another.  However, it’s also an opportunity to put my energies towards exploring other possibilities. Increased sales? Increased opportunities to share my work with others?  Encourage others to explore their creativity through workshops?

The confidence that results from forcing myself out of my safety bubble and…succeeding? Quite possibly!

The thing of it is…I have a plan. I know that a daily schedule with specific tasks focusing on meeting my goals is vital. However, I recognize that being open to possibilities is just as important.  An outlook centered in scarcity is not where I need to be right now.  Trusting this process and exploring ideas can only lead to opportunities that are not even on my radar.

I’ve learned many life lessons while painting. One lesson is to trust the process. Let the painting transition from one stage to another.  Sometimes I make mistakes by adding more paint thinking I need to make just one more change. Sometimes that was a mistake! But as I’m making these changes…markings…there is a learning process…the painting transitions to what it’s meant to be.

So, life is like making a painting.  We start with an idea in mind, that plan is changed as necessary and, ultimately there is growth and acceptance.  As “simple” as that…

I invite you to follow along, offer advice and encouragement…and if, perhaps, you have ideas and recommendations, please share!
