

Amazing what a few days can make in our lives. Two weeks ago, I was handing over work responsibilities to others for a position that I’d held for several years. My last day was spent finishing last-minute details, laughing with co-workers and embracing the bittersweetness of the occasion. I was comfortable in my surroundings and in a situation where I had answers to other’s questions.

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As I begin pursuing artwork full-time and am in the (very) early stages of becoming grounded and sure-footed again. I find myself wondering who I need to turn to answer so many questions.  I question which of my tasks are most important. I have both lofty ideas along with specific, detailed tasks that seem trivial in comparison, but still are “must-do’s”.

I have lists.  Several lists.  People to reach out for support.  People to reach out to for networking purposes.  A few more times to add to my website.  Updates for my website. Updating Houzz.  Instagram posts.  Facebook posts. Continue researching possible gallery representation.  Continue researching workshop avenues.  Update workshop materials.  Respond to emails. There are additional lists, but I think you get the idea!

Then, there are life responsibilities.  Pursuing health insurance.  Roof quotes for possible hail damage. Thankfully, my son handles the weekly trips to HEB (!).  Lawn care.  etc., etc., etc.

And, in the midst of the tasks is painting.  An activity which can be truly satisfying and occasionally truly frustrating. My painting “Persistence” is such that painting.  It began with intentions that has absolutely no resemblance to its finished look.  There were moments when I had to walk away in frustration with myself because I’d added “just one more layer” in which I regretted.  Walking away not to give up, but for a much needed distraction so I could return to feeling grounded again. Finally, I made the choice to stop over-thinking the painting and as a result, I began to play.  Once again, persistence was the key.

Knowing that persistence will be fundamental to pursuing my dreams is one thing. Following through will be the true test.