Write Like No One Else is Reading: "Appreciating Others"


Backstory:  Recently, I began to think about the traits necessary to keep painting when feeling lethargic about exploring my creative side.  Coincidentally, I’d read an article about the importance of writing, if not for others, than for yourself.  The phrase “dance like no one is watching” popped into my head and I decided to write a blog series exploring 10 traits that I’d identified and to put this into practice…write as if no one is reading.  I find that it’s easy to feel trapped by thinking about other’s opinions more than recognizing my own wishes.  My guess is that others may do the same.  Maybe writing with the idea that no one will read my blog will be “freeing”?  Today’s trait is #9 out of 10.

Appreciating Others: Although painting is an independent/solo effort on my part, my interest in painting hasn’t grown over time without the positive support and influence from others. Looking back, it’s that support and influence that I’m grateful for and appreciate.

I can think of several persons who have offered suggestions and encouragement throughout both my art career and on a personal basis.  Sometimes it was family members who continually encouraged me.  Other times, friends would point out the steps I’d taken towards following my dreams and also, in a helpful way, keeping me accountable for my own goals.  Random comments from others during spontaneous conversations which didn’t always seem so “random”.

Most recently, another dream has just been fulfilled…purchasing a home.  While this isn’t my first home…this is the time I have purchased a home on my own.  I grew up in the Midwest where my family (including several generations back) either farmed or still maintained vegetable and flower gardens.  In years past, I continuously lost track of time while pulling weeds, planting flowers and tending to my gardens.  During the last few years of not having access to dirt and a space of my own to garden, I have missed the tactile feeling of playing in the dirt and witnessing nature’s gifts.

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of returning to that feeling of playing in the dirt. My bunny sculpture (whom my parents gave to me many years ago) once again stands guard over my front flower garden.  I have herbs growing in container pots that my daughter gave to me for my birthday.  My son and daughter helped plant three trees (my guess is that I enjoyed that more than they did…).  While one tree just looks like a stick growing out of the ground…one can see that it is already symbolically showing signs of life and of new beginnings.

Gardening and puttering around my yard not only keeps me grounded (pun intended), but is also a reminder of the persons who’ve encouraged me. I appreciate the comments, the encouragement and accountability. At the end of the day…I believe we all deserve and need others…for life isn’t meant to be spent completely on our own…and without the concern for others.

Next up on my list of important traits:  New Beginnings…

Dawn Winter